Horn of Africa Channel


The MoU between Bibi of Somaliland and Abiye is a clear example of two desperate leaders trying to cling to power at the expense of their own people. Both leaders have a history of corruption, human rights abuses, and disregard for the rule of law. By coming together in this unholy alliance, they have only further cemented their reputation as tyrants who care more about their own interests than the well-being of their citizens.

The international community has rightfully condemned this MoU, recognizing it for what it truly is – a desperate attempt by two failing leaders to prop each other up in the face of mounting opposition. The Somali government has also spoken out against the agreement, citing concerns about the impact it will have on the stability of the region.

But perhaps the most egregious aspect of this MoU is the fact that the people of Awdal were not consulted or even informed about the agreement. This blatant disregard for the rights and wishes of the people who will be most affected by this deal is a clear violation of democratic principles and a betrayal of the trust placed in these leaders.

The people of Awdal have already suffered enough at the hands of corrupt and incompetent leaders. They deserve to have a say in decisions that will directly impact their lives and livelihoods. By excluding them from the decision-making process, Bihi and Abiye have shown that they are more interested in consolidating their own power than in serving the needs of their people.

Now being under pressure, Bihi and Abiye are trying to create a false narrative of unity and progress, and at The Same Time are trying To forge discord Between awdalites but the reality is that their actions will only Bring more chaos and instability to the region


In conclusion, the MoU between Bihi of Somaliland and Abiye is a dangerous and reckless move that threatens the stability and security of the region. It is a clear example of two desperate leaders trying to cling to power at any cost, even if it means sacrificing the well-being of their own people. The international community, the Somali government, and the people of Awdal must stand together in rejecting this agreement and holding these leaders accountable for their actions. Only then can we hope to see true progress and stability in the region.


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