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Andersen Global Adds Coverage in East Africa with Collaborating Firm in Djibouti

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Further building on the strength of the organization’s existing platform in East Africa, Andersen Global establishes a presence in Djibouti’s emerging market...

Tigrai’s Elections: Test of Ethiopia’s Federal Democracy

Last week, the Tigrai region of Ethiopia held elections in conformity with the established schedule but in defiance of the federal government headed by...

L’invité de la semaine : M. Mohamed Idriss Farah Ambassadeur de Djibouti en Ethiopie et représentant permanent auprès de l’Union africaine.

Nous avons reçu hier dans nos locaux la visite d’un prestigieux invité. Mohamed Idriss Farah Abaneh, ambassadeur de Djibouti en Ethiopie et représentant permanent...

Réunion de la plateforme sur la protection de l’enfant : Vers la mise en place d’un système intégré

Le premier ministre, Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed a présidé hier matin au palais du peuple, la cérémonie inaugurale d’un atelier de réflexion sur la coordination...

Energy and rhythm from Djibouti to the world

Mr Djassi, you work in Hamburg as a photographer and video artist. How did you come to record a band from Djibouti? Janto Djassi: As...

Eritrean leader arrives in Ethiopia to boost ties

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki arrived in Ethiopia for a three day official visit on Monday. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was at Jimma...

Hommage posthume du Président de la République à la mémoire de feu Ali Khalif Galaydh

Le Président de la République, Son Excellence Ismail Omar Guelleh, a rendu un vibrant hommage à la mémoire de feu Ali Khalif Qalaid, ancien...

What Happens Next in Ethiopia’s Political Turmoil

This week Ethiopia’s government entered the controversial sixth year of its five-year mandate. But the administration of Abiy Ahmed isn’t going anywhere… not even...

One year after Abiy Ahmed’s Nobel Peace Prize, Ethiopia’s crises are multiplying

NAIROBI — In the year since Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the country has become increasingly beset by...

Somalia and Turkish Firm Sign Revised 14 Year Port Concession

The Minister of Ports and Marine Transport, Mariam Aweis Jama, signed a 14-year Concession Agreement with the Albayrak Group from Turkey for the Rehabilitation...

Why Nile Renaissance Dam talks are on hold for now

CAIRO — The negotiation session held Aug. 28 between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) under the auspices of...

Djibouti: lancement des travaux de transformation du port

Djibouti vient de franchir un nouveau pas dans son ambition de construire la plus grande zone de libre-échange d’Afrique avec le lancement du projet...

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African Union elections are a critical event that can shape the future of the continent. In the upcoming election for the chairman position...


Mohamed Abib is an elected parliamentary representative from the Awdal Region who is currently facing a challenging situation where his parliamentary immunity is...


In early 2023, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared Ethiopia's need for sovereign access to the Red Sea, a move that has sparked...


The dangers of appeasement as a policy have been seen throughout history, where world powers failed to stand up to aggressive nations, leading to...