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Éthiopie : la guerre au Tigré prend une dimension internationale

15 NOV 2020 Mise à jour 15.11.2020 à 14:52  par TV5MONDE Avec AFP Les autorités de la région dissidente éthiopienne du Tigré ont tiré, samedi, des roquettes sur la...

Armed conflict in Tigray threatens break up of Ethiopia-by Jean Shaoul

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has ordered repeated air strikes against military targets in Tigray, one of Ethiopia’s semi-autonomous, ethnically defined provinces, and declared a...

Clashes over Ethiopia’s Tigray Region: Getting to a Ceasefire and National Dialogue

His office also announced a six-month state of emergency in Tigray. A war that many Ethiopians feared was possible but hoped would never happen appears to...

At least 54 people dead in Ethiopia massacre, says Amnesty International

At least 54 people dead in Ethiopia massacre, says Amnesty International Survivors found victims in a school compound Rory Sullivan Survivors said that 54 people were killed...

Massacre of the ISSA Somali civilians in Garba-ISSE by the Ethiopian Federal Army

At Garba Issa today 28 Octobre 2020 the  Ethiopian federal army perpetrated a masacre similar to the same conducted at errer 1956,  at Aisha...

In Ethiopia, a heated political tug-of-war sparks security fears

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been locked in a bitter dispute with the political party that used to dominate the...

Ethiopian Parliament hardens stance on Tigray region

Ethiopian Parliament hardens stance on Tigray region Friday, October 16, 2020 Women and children wait to enter a polling station during Tigray’s regional elections in the...

Tigrai’s Elections: Test of Ethiopia’s Federal Democracy

Last week, the Tigrai region of Ethiopia held elections in conformity with the established schedule but in defiance of the federal government headed by...

Eritrean leader arrives in Ethiopia to boost ties

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki arrived in Ethiopia for a three day official visit on Monday. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was at Jimma...

What Happens Next in Ethiopia’s Political Turmoil

This week Ethiopia’s government entered the controversial sixth year of its five-year mandate. But the administration of Abiy Ahmed isn’t going anywhere… not even...

One year after Abiy Ahmed’s Nobel Peace Prize, Ethiopia’s crises are multiplying

NAIROBI — In the year since Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the country has become increasingly beset by...

Why Nile Renaissance Dam talks are on hold for now

CAIRO — The negotiation session held Aug. 28 between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) under the auspices of...

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