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What next for Ethiopia and its neighbours: Somalia and Eritrea

  From a historical standpoint, the current conflict in Ethiopia fits within an established political pattern. There have been power struggles between the centre and the...

WHAT’S IN A PEACE PRIZE? Ethiopia: National pride, national shame

When news broke last October that Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had won the Nobel Peace Prize, Ethiopians were somewhat divided. As could be...

Ismaïl Omar Guelleh : Un Chef d’Etat ambitieux et bâtisseur

  Dossier réalisé par A.A-Mahé L’histoire de développement d’un pays est toujours jalonnée d’évènements importants qui marquent à jamais les esprits et qui naissent pour prendre...

Representative Ilhan Omar and Isra Hirsi on the Future of Politics and 2020 .

When I enter Ilhan Omar’s Minneapolis district office, she instinctively leans forward to shake my hand but catches herself. These days, decreasing the spread...

Eritreans win political office in US and Sweden, as well as New Zealand

There’s no doubting the ability of Eritreans to make their mark abroad – even if the regime means they can’t make it at home....

Le Président Guelleh prend part à la signature d’un accord de paix historique inter-soudanais

Le Président de la République, Son Excellence Ismail Omar Guelleh, a quitté samedi matin le pays à destination de Djouba, la capitale du Soudan...

Somaliland: Unscrupulous traders flouting given exchange rates will be charged, warns Central Bank Governor

The Governor of the Central Bank Mr. Ali Ibrahim Baghdadi has cautioned the merchant community not to do transactions unscrupulously in any monetary exchange...

Somalia partners ‘regret’ failure to achieve universal suffrage in FGS-FMS deal

Somalia partners ‘regret’ failure to achieve universal suffrage in FGS-FMS deal Mogadishu – International partners take note of the agreement announced by the Federal Government...

The Republic of Djibouti has launched the Djibouti Sovereign Fund (Fonds Souverain de Djibouti – FSD) aimed at turbocharging the country’s development.

The Republic of Djibouti has launched the Djibouti Sovereign Fund (Fonds Souverain de Djibouti - FSD) aimed at turbocharging the country's development. The Sovereign Fund...

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Mohamed Abib is an elected parliamentary representative from the Awdal Region who is currently facing a challenging situation where his parliamentary immunity is...


In early 2023, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared Ethiopia's need for sovereign access to the Red Sea, a move that has sparked...


The dangers of appeasement as a policy have been seen throughout history, where world powers failed to stand up to aggressive nations, leading to...


The Ethio-Somali conflict has a long history that dates back to the 12th century, where the Somalis of Ifat and Adal Sultanates fought...