a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera: Colorado's 2nd Congressional District democratic candidate Joe Neguse poses for a photo in the Coloradoan newsroom on Monday, October 8, 2018.© Austin Humphreys/The Coloradoan Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District democratic candidate Joe Neguse poses for a photo in the Coloradoan newsroom on Monday, October 8, 2018.Name: Joe Neguse 

Age: 36

Occupation: Representative for Colorado’s 2nd Congressional district

Family: Wife, Andrea; 2-year-old daughter, Natalie

Education: Bachelor’s in political science and economics, University of Colorado Boulder, Juris Doctor from University of Colorado Law School

Prior elected office: Elected to U.S. House of Representatives in 2018. Served on CU Board of Regents from 2009 to 2015.

Relevant past experience: Founded New Era Colorado, a youth voter registration and mobilization nonprofit, led Colorado’s consumer protection agency, served as Boulder Housing Authority commissioner.

Website or informational page: joeneguseforcongress.com

What will be your top priorities if you’re elected, and how will you work to accomplish them if Congress continues to be politically divided?

In my first term, we’ve accomplished much for our community — having more legislation enacted into law than any other Colorado lawmaker, leading on climate change, securing passage of major statewide legislation to protect Colorado public lands, holding a record number of town halls, and being identified nationally as the most bipartisan member of our state’s House delegation.

We’ve worked hard to address the needs of the Fort Collins community by securing millions of dollars from FEMA for our community’s recovery efforts, leading a bipartisan effort to ensure priority COVID-19 testing for our firefighters, and introducing an amendment to make it easier for cities like Fort Collins to qualify for a quiet zone from train horn noise. And while I’m proud of the work we’ve done, there is still much more to do to ensure access to affordable health care for everyone, aid our communities as they recover from the pandemic and ensure our economic recovery includes all Coloradans, and protect our environment.

If given the opportunity again to serve our wonderful community, I will continue to build on these accomplishments, by leading locally, listening to all constituents, and working with whomever I can to tackle the critical issues facing our state. In Colorado, we know that when folks roll up their sleeves, work together, and lead with progress over gridlock, unity over division, and hope over fear, we can accomplish anything. And that’s exactly what we will continue doing to serve the communities we’re so fortunate to call home.

By the start of your prospective second term in 2021, it is likely that Colorado will still be struggling with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. What will you do to provide swift relief to Coloradans facing continued unemployment/under-employment, threat of eviction/foreclosure and loss of livelihood due to the pandemic?

As a member of U.S. House Leadership, I have introduced comprehensive legislative proposals to help families and small businesses across Larimer County, and will continue to push for the same. Several of these bills were included in the Heroes Act, legislation which passed the House in May, as well as the most recent relief package the House passed last week.

These include my bipartisan bill to provide emergency disaster loan forgiveness to small businesses, stabilization funds for smaller cities like Fort Collins, Estes Park, Wellington, Berthoud and Loveland, and expansion of SNAP food security to assist families and the Larimer County food banks serving our community. I firmly believe that we must meet the scale of this crisis by adopting the proposals above, in addition to expanding pandemic unemployment insurance, equipping our PSD schools and health care workers, providing rental assistance and direct cash assistance for Americans, and extending additional support for our small businesses.

And I’m proud to have worked closely with local government and civic leaders in Larimer County on these proposals. Put simply, additional economic relief is essential to relieve the economic pressure many families and businesses are under, which is why I will continue to fight for these priorities.

As of mid-August, about 75% of the American public disapproves of the way Congress does its job. What will you do to restore trust in government and show that Congress can work efficiently for Americans?

I full-heartedly believe we must work together to find solutions to our most pressing challenges and work to turn down the temperature in our politics, restore trust in government and create an environment where more people are motivated to participate and engage in our democracy. I’ve sought to do this at a community level by being accessible and transparent, holding more town halls than any other Colorado lawmaker and engaging constituents directly to ensure our legislation reflects the priorities of folks in Fort Collins.

We launched a nationally recognized and first-of-its-kind “Service Town Hall” initiative to bring community members of every political persuasion together to work on volunteer service projects — our first one was in Estes Park, where we worked together to help restore trails at Rocky Mountain National Park. In Congress, I’ve worked in a bipartisan manner with my Republican colleagues, inviting them to see first-hand the Colorado experience, including hosting colleagues from both sides of the aisle for the only official field hearing of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis right here in the 2nd District.

Earlier this year the Lugar Institute identified me as the most bipartisan member of Colorado’s House delegation, and I’ve worked collaboratively with others to craft legislation wherever we can agree, including on regenerative agriculture and funding for rural schools. My willingness to work with folks in good faith has helped our office secure victories for our communities, including having more bills signed into law by this president than any other Colorado lawmaker, with several others passing the House with bipartisan support.

Colorado faced another brutal fire season this year, with overgrown forests and extreme weather fueling historic wildfires throughout the state. The worsening impacts of climate change will continue to contribute to this problem. What will you do to address the effects of wildfires and climate change in our state?

As a member of the House Natural Resources Committee, I have made protecting our environment and the fight against climate change a top priority of mine in Congress. I believe we must treat climate change as the existential threat that it is, and I was honored to be appointed as the only member from the Rocky Mountain West to the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Over one third of the bills I’ve introduced are focused on addressing the crisis, including proposals to invest in regenerative agriculture, expand clean energy, safeguard climate science and conserve our public lands — including the CORE Act, which became the first major Colorado wilderness legislation to pass the House in over a decade. Many of my proposals have since passed the House, including our plan to equip communities with resilient infrastructure.

I also have supported forest management efforts, such as introducing legislation to create a 21st-century civil conservation corps that would invest in our forests through fire science and wildfire mitigation programs. And finally, I’ve worked with local officials to secure the FEMA funding and resources they need to address the immediate damage the wildfires have caused and to work closely with our local government officials and Forest Service personnel on what future funding and support they will need as we approach mudslide and flood season. If elected again,

I would continue legislating aggressively on this front and work to build consensus on bold climate action proposals.