Horn of Africa Channel



The relationship between Ethiopia and Somalia has been characterized by historical tensions and conflicts, with Ethiopia often viewed as a regional power seeking to exert influence and control over its neighbor. The ongoing involvement of Ethiopia in Somalia’s internal affairs has further exacerbated these tensions, leading to accusations of interference and manipulation by the Somali government and its people.

One of the key criticisms leveled against Ethiopia is its irresponsible involvement in Somalia, which is seen as not only aimless or rogue but also as a manifestation of long-held strategic ambitions to divide Somalia into vassalships serving Ethiopian interests. This involvement has taken various forms, including military interventions, support for proxy groups, and efforts to influence the political landscape in Somalia. The recent signiture of the illegal MoU with Somaliland and the arrogant agreements with Puntland, both being part and parcel of the Somali Federation, shows Ethiopia’s disregard for Somalia’s souveregnty, independence and territorial integrity. It is, as well, a disgrace that Ethiopia plans to mobilize Somalis against Somalia to attain its objective.

Some analysts have even suggested that Ethiopia may have ambitions to annex parts of Somalia, further fueling concerns about its intentions and motivations. This has raised fears among Somalis about the potential loss of their sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the possibility of being subjugated to Ethiopian interests.

The lack of clear communication and transparency from the Ethiopian government has only added to these fears and suspicions, with many Somalis feeling frustrated and distrustful of their neighbor’s intentions. There is a growing sense of resentment and anger towards Ethiopia for what is perceived as a violation of Somalia’s sovereignty and an attempt to undermine its national interests.

Despite these challenges, it is lamentable that Somalis are not in a position to read events and enemy strategies and intentions. The lack of unity and cohesion among Somalis has made it easier for external actors like Ethiopia to exploit divisions and weaknesses within the country. This has further compounded the problem, making it difficult for Somalia to effectively respond to external threats and challenges.

In order to counter these external threats and safeguard their national interests, Somalis must unite to defend their country. They must set aside their insignificant differences and personal interests and come together in a spirit of unity and solidarity. This will require a concerted effort to overcome historical grievances and divisions, and to focus on the bigger picture of defending their country against external threats and ensuring its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It is imperative for Somalis to recognize the strategic interests at stake and to take proactive measures to safeguard their national security. This will require a coordinated and proactive response, including diplomatic efforts to engage with regional and international partners, as well as military measures to defend against external aggression.

In conclusion, the irresponsible involvement of Ethiopia in Somalia’s internal affairs is a source of concern and frustration for many Somalis. It is essential for Somalis to unite and defend their country against external threats, and to overcome historical divisions and grievances in order to safeguard their national interests. Only through unity and solidarity can Somalia effectively counter external threats and ensure its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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