Horn of Africa Channel


awdal state

The Warning to President Muusa Bihi

In light of the recent events involving the arrest and detention of the  Akils, and reporters in Hargeisa, the immediate family of the minister, Akils, and reporters and ISSA community, at large, have issued a stern warning to President Muusa Bihi and his family. The warning emphasizes the consequences that will be faced if any harm is caused to the targeted individuals.

The family and community of the detainees (ISSA) make it clear that even the slightest harm inflicted upon the innocent detainees and targeted members will not be tolerated. The warning serves as a reminder that the detained individuals have not committed any harm or offense to anyone. They have simply exercised their sacred right to express their sentiments and feelings regarding the controversial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between President Bihi and Abiye in Ethiopia.

It is important to note that the detained Akils and reporters were aiming to release a statement expressing their views against the MoU. The MoU, which grants Ethiopia exclusive rights to establish a naval base with a port and corridor in the territory of Lughaya, Awdal, has raised concerns among the affected community. The Somaliland Government kept the project secret and denied the community their legitimate right to know and have a say in such decisive actions that negatively affect their future and livelihoods.

The warning seeks to emphasize the desire for peace and harmony between the two neighboring and brotherly sides, despite the historical tensions between the Issa and HabarAwal communities. The communities have lived in peace and harmony for approximately 150 years, following incidents such as Bullahar and Bunasseye, which resulted in a peace treaty and a clear-cut territorial demarcation between the Issa and HabarAwal communities in Somaliland.

The Issa community, despite the enmity displayed by the HabarAwal/Saad Muussa community over the past 33 years, has consistently demonstrated a positive and respectful attitude towards their neighbors. They have shown resilience and a commitment to peaceful coexistence, even in the face of damages suffered during the civil war and the support of the Issa community to the Isaq community,

The warning serves as a plea to President Muusa Bihi and his family to refrain from inviting their perceived enemy to their homeland of Awdal and any inch of Somaliland. The immediate family (ISSA) of the minister, Akils, and reporters urge President Bihi to adopt a “hands-off” approach and grant complete freedom to the innocent detainees and targeted members.

In conclusion, the warning issued by the immediate family of the minister, Akils, and reporters to President Muusa Bihi and his family highlights the gravity of the situation. It emphasizes the need for peace, harmony, and respect between the communities, urging the President to reconsider the controversial project and prioritize the well-being and livelihoods of the affected community. It is a call for understanding and cooperation, with the hope that the two communities can continue living in peace.


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