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University students replicating United States revolutionay ideals in the 21st century.

  1. University students replicating United States revolutionay ideals in the 21st century.

The recent demonstrations by university students in the United States in support of global voices rejecting the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Palestine, have brought to light the deep-rooted values of justice, freedom, and human rights that have been ingrained in the American spirit since its inception. These courageous students are standing in solidarity with the innocent victims of the violence in Gaza, echoing the sentiments of the founding fathers who fought against oppression and tyranny.

The voices of these students resonate with the American historic struggles of the past, such as the Boston Tea Party, which symbolized the rejection of unjust systems and the fight for liberty. Just as the early immigrants to America sought refuge from repression and exploitation in Europe, so too are these students demanding justice for the oppressed, killed and the cleansed Palestinians in Gaza, Palestine. They are the true descendants of the American forefathers who laid the foundation for a free and democratic society.

It is important to remember the significant milestones in American history that have shaped the country’s commitment to human rights and freedom. From the defeat of Nazism and fascism to the abolition of slavery and the abandoning of colonization in Africa, America has always been at the forefront of championing humanitarian causes. The students standing up for the people of Palestine are carrying on this legacy of compassion and empathy. The student voices are load and clear; ” zionism, the satanic evil of this age, should not be an exception, it must be defeated and abolished”. They are voicing clearly and loadly ” stop genocide and cleansing in Gaza”, “free, free Palestine” in replication of the last word from the self emolated US Airman, Aaron Bushnel. They want to be heard by their government.

The increasing momentum of these demonstrations, with more and more students joining in solidarity, is a testament to the unwavering spirit of the American people in the face of injustice. The support from various individuals, including Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and others, showcases the widespread demand for accountability and justice for the victims of the violence in Gaza.

As we reflect on the values that America was founded upon, it is clear that the struggle for justice and freedom is an ongoing battle that requires the support and dedication of all US citizens. The students leading the charge for Palestine are embodying the ideals of democracy and human rights that have defined America for centuries.

In conclusion, the demonstrations by university students in America in support of the people of Gaza, Palestine are a powerful reminder of the enduring principles of justice, freedom, and human rights that have shaped the nation. The legacy of the founding fathers lives on in the actions of these brave students, who are standing up for what is right in the face of adversity. It is imperative that we continue to support their efforts and ensure that America remains a beacon of hope and justice for all.




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