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Terror fears after Somalia dismisses report as biased

  The Kenya-Somalia border ‘’interference’’ dispute is far from over as the latter last week rejected a report by the Djibouti-led fact finding mission exonerating...

Somaliland’s quest for recognition passes through its ancient caves

Leaders in the breakaway region of Somalia say the international community faces a stark choice: Recognize their independence, or see invaluable history of humankind...

Ethiopia – What next for Abiy Ahmed?

The apparent culmination of the Ethiopian government’s ‘law enforcement operation’ in Tigray poses a number of new questions for the future of Africa’s second-most...

TRIPARTITE’S WAR The war in Tigray: Abiy, Isaias, and the Amhara elite

Peace in the troubled Horn of Africa region supposedly made a spectacular arrival on 5 June 2018 when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of...

Puntland, Jubbaland finally join Somalia electoral process

Puntland and Jubbaland release names of the electoral committee, easing one of the hurdles to holding elections in Somalia. Under intense international pressure to participate...

20ème anniversaire de l’Université de Djibouti : Conférence sur les notions d’entreprenariat

Toujours dans la continuité des activités célébrant ses 20 ans, le site 1 de l’université de Djibouti a abrité jeudi dernier une conférence sur...

Djibouti Free Zones, Ports Strike Deal with Ethiopia on Freight Movement

Ethiopian Airlines and the Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority (DPFZA) have agreed to launch a freight transport service. The agreement aimed to facilitate a...

Ethiopia Says No Somali Troops Involved in Tigray Campaign

Ethiopia’s government denied that Somali soldiers fought alongside federal troops in the ongoing conflict in its Tigray region. The head of Somalia’s parliamentary committee on...

Is Ethiopia coming together or falling apart? By Ahmed Hassen

Abiy and his Amhara supporters are in the ascendancy - but Ethiopia’s future is by no means assured. Nominally in an effort to restore...

REVUE DE PRESSE : Djibouti se positionne en futur hub régional pour les TIC

DJIBOUTI TELECOM – Le développement socio-économique de la République de Djibouti ces dernières années, sous l’impulsion de son Président, Son Excellence Monsieur Ismaël Omar...

Le Président Guelleh investi officiellement candidat du RPP à la présidentielle d’avril 2021

La principale formation politique nationale, le Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP) a investi officiellement  hier, dans le cadre d’un congrès extraordinaire qui a ...

Retour sur les évènements marquant une année très inhabituelle : Djibouti se dote de son 1ier porte-conteneur

Lors d’une cérémonie qui s’était déroulée le 19 juillet 2020, dans l’enceinte du terminal à Conteneur de Doraleh, le président de la République, Ismaïl...

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African Union elections are a critical event that can shape the future of the continent. In the upcoming election for the chairman position...


Mohamed Abib is an elected parliamentary representative from the Awdal Region who is currently facing a challenging situation where his parliamentary immunity is...


In early 2023, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared Ethiopia's need for sovereign access to the Red Sea, a move that has sparked...


The dangers of appeasement as a policy have been seen throughout history, where world powers failed to stand up to aggressive nations, leading to...