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Historians often point to the fall of the Roman Empire as a cautionary tale of a once mighty civilization that collapsed under its own weight and its own internal problems. The same can be said for Ethiopia, a country that is currently facing numerous challenges that threaten to push it over the brink of collapse.

One of the key factors contributing to Ethiopia’s precarious situation is its challenging geography. The country is located in a volatile region of the world, surrounded by unstable neighbors and prone to natural disasters such as droughts and famines. This makes it difficult for Ethiopia to establish stable trade routes and maintain a strong economy.

Another issue facing Ethiopia is its large and uncontrollable demography. The country has one of the highest population growth rates in the world, which is putting a strain on its already limited resources. This has led to mass migration and displacement, with many Ethiopians fleeing to neighboring countries in search of a better life.

Extreme poverty is also a major problem in Ethiopia, exacerbated by the country’s harsh climatic conditions. Droughts and other environmental hazards have devastated the agricultural sector, leaving many Ethiopians without access to food or clean water. This has created a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break, leading to widespread suffering and desperation.

Ethiopia is also a country with a diverse population, made up of numerous ethnic groups with their own languages and cultures. This diversity has often been a source of conflict, as different groups vie for power and resources. The notion of superiority and inferiority has led to a lack of cohesion and unity among the people, making it difficult for Ethiopia to move forward as a unified nation.

Furthermore, Ethiopia has a long history of dominating and being dominated among themselves, leading to a sense of mistrust and resentment among its people. This has resulted in a lack of willingness to accept coexistence peacefully, with conflicts and civil wars erupting regularly throughout the country’s history. From Haile Selassie to Mingistu, three coups d’etat were orchestrated, Mingistu was ousted in his turn. Ethiopia waged war against Eritrea, then against Tigray, and presently against Amhara, killing and affaming millions, not to mention the displaced. In addition and simultaneously, Ethiopia is threatening the whole region of Horn of African countries against a forceful access to the Sea.

The lack of just governance and democratic representation has also been a major issue in Ethiopia. The country has a history of harsh, dispotic rule, with leaders who have ruled with an iron fist and suppressed dissidents. This has led to widespread human rights abuses, inequality in status and opportunity, and a general sense of injustice among the population.

In addition, Ethiopia has a long history of misappropriation of resources and misuse of armed forces. The government has often used its military to cruelly suppress dissent and maintain power, rather than to protect its citizens. Examples are cold blooded massacres of Erer-Asbuli (1956), Aishaa (1960), Garba İssa, Undhufo, Addayti of Sitti (2021), to name few in the Somali Region. This has led to a breakdown of trust between the government and the people, further exacerbating the country’s problems.

In recent years, Ethiopia has also engaged in aggressive and provocative diplomatic initiatives, leading to tensions with its immediate neighbors and other regional communities on issuea of international concern. The country has claimed access to the sea by force, disregarding international law and norms. This has further isolated Ethiopia and made it difficult for the country to establish peaceful relations with its neighbors.

In conclusion, Ethiopia is a country that is on the brink of collapse, weighed down by a combination of internal and external problems. Unless significant changes are made to address these issues, Ethiopia risks following in the footsteps of the Roman Empire and falling under its own weight. It is imperative that the government and the people of Ethiopia work together to find solutions to these challenges and build a more stable and prosperous future for the country and the region.

HOA News Editorhttps://www.hoachannel.com
Authorized Editor for Horn of Africa Channel.
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