Home HOA News Ethiopia Massacre of the ISSA Somali civilians in Garba-ISSE by the Ethiopian Federal...

Massacre of the ISSA Somali civilians in Garba-ISSE by the Ethiopian Federal Army


At Garba Issa today 28 Octobre 2020 the  Ethiopian federal army perpetrated a masacre similar to the same conducted at errer 1956,  at Aisha 1960 and around Aidora several times In the 70ties. Reports tell after à night seige more than 40 civilians cold  bloodedly killed, more than 60 wounded, about 100 kidnapped and still missing, all property and livelyhoods looted and transported in military trucks. The reason for the sudden atrocities are not yet known. The Federal governement and Human Rights Organisations such as Human Right Watch must immédiaelyt move and conduct Investigations. The matter is critical and needs urgent rescue for Survivors if any. S. O. S.