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The decision by Raila Odinga to put forward his candidacy for the highest position in the AU while advocating for the recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign and independent state has raised several concerns. As a prominent figure in Kenyan politics as head of a national party (ODM) and a former prime minister, Odinga’s statements have sparked controversy and debate about his suitability for the position. In this article, we will analyze key points regarding Odinga’s candidacy and the implications of his comments on the sovereignty and integrity of an AU member country.

Firstly, Odinga’s advocacy for the recognition of Somaliland as an independent state is a direct challenge to the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty upheld by the AU. By supporting the separation of Somaliland from Somalia, Odinga is undermining the unity and stability of the region, which goes against the core values of the AU.

Secondly, Odinga’s comments have also caused diplomatic tensions with Somalia, the country from which Somaliland seeks independence. By openly endorsing the separatist agenda of Somaliland, Odinga has shown a lack of sensitivity towards the feelings and aspirations of the Somali people who value their national unity and sovereignty.

Furthermore, Odinga’s advocacy for Somaliland’s independence fails to acknowledge the complex tribal dynamics within the region. While a good portion of the Isaaq tribe may be in favor of secession, the other portion and tribes such as the Warsangali, Dhulbahante of Sool and Sanag, and the Issa and Gadabursi tribes of Awdal are committed to maintaining the union with Somalia. Odinga’s stance overlooks the diverse opinions and interests of the different tribal groups in Somaliland. Odinga needs to appologize.

Moreover, Odinga’s history of unsuccessful presidential campaigns in Kenya raises questions about his leadership abilities and political judgment. The violence and unrest that followed his electoral defeats reflect poorly on his capacity to lead effectively and promote peace and stability in the region.

Additionally, Odinga’s disregard for the founding principles of the AU and the UN, which emphasize respect for inherited territorial integrity and national sovereignty, undermines the credibility of his candidacy for the highest position in the AU. His failure to recognize the importance of these principles casts doubt on his commitment to upholding international law and promoting peace and security in Africa.

It is also worth noting that Odinga’s age and long political career may have clouded his judgment and led him to make reckless statements that could damage diplomatic relations and regional stability. As an octogenarian politician, Odinga should demonstrate wisdom and prudence in his public statements, especially when addressing sensitive issues such as territorial integrity and medling in internal disputes.

Furthermore, Odinga’s advocacy for Somaliland’s independence without considering the potential consequences for Somalia and the region’s stability and security is irresponsible. The risk of exacerbating tensions and conflict in the Horn of Africa should prompt Odinga to reconsider his position and prioritize the principles of peace and security as well as the value and the importance of national unity to the Somalis as the Kenyans.

Moreover, Odinga’s lack of consultation with the Somali government and other stakeholders in the region before making his statements shows a disregard for the importance of dialogue and diplomacy in resolving complex issues. Effective leadership requires engaging with all relevant parties to find mutually acceptable solutions to political disputes.

In conclusion, Raila Odinga’s candidacy for the highest position in the AU and his advocacy for the recognition of Somaliland as an independent state raise serious concerns about his suitability for the role. His failure to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of AU member countries, as well as his history of divisive politics and disregard for diplomatic norms, call into question his ability to lead effectively and promote peace and security in Africa.

Raila Odinga’s erroneous statement can be found in the contents and the video below:

HOA News Editorhttps://www.hoachannel.com
Authorized Editor for Horn of Africa Channel.
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