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Home HOA News Request for the Cancellation of the MoU between Ethiopia and Somaliland

Request for the Cancellation of the MoU between Ethiopia and Somaliland


In the Awdal region of Northern Somalia, the Issa and Gadabursi communities have expressed significant concerns over the recently signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland. As important stakeholders in the region, the two communities believe that the MoU poses potential threats to their security and livelihoods. This petition aims to highlight the urgency of the situation and calls upon the member governments of IGAD, AU, and the UN to intervene and urge Ethiopia to withdraw the MOU, ensuring the preservation of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa and specially Awdal Region where the two communities (Issa and Gadabuursi) take home.

Historical Background:

The Issa and Gadabursi communities were part of the regions that gained independence from the kingdom of Great Britain on June 26, 1960. Following this, we (newly born Somaliland) united with Italian Somaliland to form the Republic of Somalia. However, political instability and various conflicts in the region led to the collapse of the Somali government in 1991. As a result, the communities in Northern Somalia were able to establish their own administrations.

Concerns and Security Implications:

While enjoying three decades of relative peace and security, the recent MOU between Ethiopia and Somaliland has raised legitimate concerns among the Issa and Gadabursi communities. The provision of sea access in the Awdal region, as stated in the agreement, has the potential to disrupt the stability and prosperity that has been achieved over the years. The implications on trade, resources, and territorial integrity are significant, and the communities fear that their interests and livelihoods may be compromised.

Need for Intervention:

Given the gravity of the situation, it is imperative for the member governments of IGAD, AU, and the UN to intervene promptly. These regional and international bodies play pivotal roles in maintaining peace and cooperation in Africa. By withdrawing the MOU, they can demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of all communities involved and ensure the saveguard of resources and livelihoods.

Stability and Cooperation in the Horn of Africa:

The Horn of Africa is a region marked by historical conflicts, socio-economic challenges, and geopolitical complexities. These factors underscore the urgency of prioritizing stability and cooperation. The member governments, including the Arab League, the European Union, Turkey, the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, should collectively address the concerns of the Issa and Gadabursi communities, as well as the broader implications for regional security.


In conclusion, the Issa and Gadabursi communities strongly urge the member governments of IGAD, AU, and the UN to intervene and withdraw the MOU between Ethiopia and Somaliland. The preservation of peace, security, and prosperity in the Awdal region should be of utmost importance to all stakeholders involved. By addressing their concerns, ensuring livelihoods, and fostering stability and cooperation in the Horn of Africa, the member governments can promote a future that benefits all communities in the region.

Awdal state


HOA News Editorhttps://www.hoachannel.com
Authorized Editor for Horn of Africa Channel.
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