Anonymous sources within the Somaliland police department revealed that the decision to arrest former defense minister Mr. Abdulqani M Ateye was made immediately after his resignation from his ministerial position. Abdulqani resigned in protest of the signiture of an illegal & catastrophic MoU in Addis Ababa. The Criminal Investigation Department and public minister were instructed to come up with a suitable and defensible alibi. Prior to his probable arrest, Abdulqani was prohibited from leaving the country, even for religious pilgrimages. The subsequent arrests of notable individuals (akils) and journalists were done with the intention of pressuring them to falsely testify against the former minister. These detainees have reportedly been tortured in order to coerce them into confessing that Abdulqani was the mastermind behind their actions supporting the minister for his rejection of the MoU. This behavior is indicative of an undemocratic and morally bankrupt administration that shows no regard for human rights or freedoms. President Bihi and his associates were unable to accept Abdulqani’s resignation, viewing it as a challenge to their honour and authority. We call on human rights organizations to monitor the situation closely and voice their concerns about potential future developments. It should be noted that this regime has been implicated in the secret assassinations of over 120 prominent individuals in Lasanood, sparking outrage among the people of Sol and leading to calls for the removal of the oppressive regime.