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Challenges and Prospects of Mediation Between Issa and Afar Communities in Ethiopia


The recurring conflict between the Issa and Afar communities in Ethiopia has been a major source of instability in the region. Despite several mediation initiatives over the years, the conflict continues to escalate, largely due to the interference of Ethiopian security forces. This essay will explore the challenges and prospects of mediating peace between the Issa and Afar communities, focusing on recent developments and the role of different actors in the conflict.

Historical Context:

Prior to the year 2024, all peace initiatives between the Issa and Afar communities were led by the Ethiopian security apparatus, but they ultimately failed due to the undermining actions of the Ethiopian police and military in the region. These security forces not only sabotaged peace accords but also incited Afar militias to derail any progress towards reconciliation. The cycle of violence and lack of trust persisted, making sustainable peace seem elusive.

Civil Society Intervention:

In a notable departure from past practices, the Islamic Supreme Council, a civil society organization, took the lead in facilitating peace talks between the Issa and Afar communities. The involvement of a neutral, non-governmental actor provided hope for a more inclusive and effective mediation process. The communities expressed optimism that this time, a lasting solution could be achieved through dialogue and cooperation.

Preliminary Agreement and Setbacks:

During the peace meetings convened by the Islamic Supreme Council in Addis Ababa, a preliminary agreement was successfully reached, leading to the formation of a mediation committee comprising representatives from both communities and the civil society organization. However, the fragile truce was shattered when an attack by the Afar militia, reportedly with the complicity of Ethiopian forces, resulted in casualties and property destruction. This incident underscored the challenges of maintaining peace in a region marred by deep-rooted divisions and external interference.

  • Role of Ethiopian Armed Forces:The Ethiopian armed forces have played a contentious role in the conflict between the Issa and Afar communities. Their historical involvement in violent incidents in Somali regional state, including massacres and military operations, has fueled resentment and distrust among the affected communities. The recent televised speech by Marshal Jula, attributing Somali territorial defense and security to Ethiopian forces, Without mentioning an iota of Ethiopian internal insecurity, further complicated the dynamics of the conflict and raised suspicions about the military’s true intentions in the region. It is worth mentioning Ethiopian armed forces of Marshal Jula failed to impliment all peace resolutions and agreaments between Issa-Afar sides but instead coldbloodedly fuelled incidents.

Prospects for Peace:

Despite the setbacks and challenges, there remains a glimmer of hope for a sustainable peace deal between the Issa and Afar communities. It is imperative that the two communities are given the space and agency to determine their future and destiny without external interference. Only through genuine dialogue, mutual respect, and inclusive participation can a lasting solution be achieved. Coercive measures and military interventions have proven counterproductive and must be replaced with a genuine commitment to peacebuilding and conflict resolution.


In conclusion, the mediation efforts between the Issa and Afar communities in Ethiopia face significant challenges due to the historical grievances, and external Influences. A genuine peace deal can be reached if the two communities are givrn the space and agancy to determine their own futur and destiny without external interference.





HOA News Editorhttps://www.hoachannel.com
Authorized Editor for Horn of Africa Channel.
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