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Tag: somalia

Qalalaasaha Muqdisho iyo Xalraadinteeda

Haddii hasha laga gooyo candhada oo nirigta laga gooyo faruuryaha sow ma'aha "maxay ku nuugtaa maxayse ka nuugtaa". Sidaa waxaa la mid ah go'aankii...

Kenya withdraws from ICJ case over Somalia sea border at last minute

Kenya will not take part in Monday's hearings over its maritime border dispute with Somalia at the International Court of Justice, government sources have...

The way out of Somalia’s political impasse Only a pragmatic approach can lift Somalia out of its current crisis.

. Afyare Abdi Elmi Afyare Elmi teaches at the International Affairs Department at Qatar University OPINION Opinions|Politics The way out of Somalia’s political impasse Only a pragmatic approach can...

MARITIME DISPUTE ICJ rejects Kenya’s request to postpone maritime case

In Summary • The Court on Saturday informed the two parties that the hearings of the case would proceed as scheduled starting March 15 in...

Terror fears after Somalia dismisses report as biased

  The Kenya-Somalia border ‘’interference’’ dispute is far from over as the latter last week rejected a report by the Djibouti-led fact finding mission exonerating...

Somalia goes to polls: Reflecting determinants of past, present, future

elections despite the opposition's allegations that the government has mishandled the election process and violated the new election model formed following an agreement in...

Blunting Al-Shabaab’s Impact on Somalia’s Elections

The Al-Shabaab insurgency is in attack mode as elections draw near in Somalia. To stop the militants from disrupting the vote, federal and regional...

From Bullets to Diplomacy: Securing Peace Between Somalia and Kenya

The current diplomatic crisis bedeviling the relationship between Somalia and Kenya is a paradox; it is both unstoppable and unsustainable! The diplomatic rift sadly comes...

Somalia Severs Diplomatic Ties With Kenya

Somalia accused its East African neighbor of meddling in its internal affairs, weeks before a crucial general election. By Abdi Latif Daher NAIROBI, Kenya — Somalia...

BUMPY ROAD TO SUCCESS Somalia’s election impasse: Crisis or successful state-building? ...

As the year 2020 comes to a close, people across the world are breathing a sigh of relief anticipating a better 2021. But for...

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Mohamed Abib is an elected parliamentary representative from the Awdal Region who is currently facing a challenging situation where his parliamentary immunity is...


In early 2023, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared Ethiopia's need for sovereign access to the Red Sea, a move that has sparked...


The dangers of appeasement as a policy have been seen throughout history, where world powers failed to stand up to aggressive nations, leading to...


The Ethio-Somali conflict has a long history that dates back to the 12th century, where the Somalis of Ifat and Adal Sultanates fought...