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TRIPARTITE’S WAR The war in Tigray: Abiy, Isaias, and the Amhara elite

Peace in the troubled Horn of Africa region supposedly made a spectacular arrival on 5 June 2018 when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of...

Puntland, Jubbaland finally join Somalia electoral process

Puntland and Jubbaland release names of the electoral committee, easing one of the hurdles to holding elections in Somalia. Under intense international pressure to participate...

Is Ethiopia coming together or falling apart? By Ahmed Hassen

Abiy and his Amhara supporters are in the ascendancy - but Ethiopia’s future is by no means assured. Nominally in an effort to restore...

Le Président Guelleh investi officiellement candidat du RPP à la présidentielle d’avril 2021

La principale formation politique nationale, le Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP) a investi officiellement  hier, dans le cadre d’un congrès extraordinaire qui a ...

Ethiopia – What next for Abiy Ahmed?

The apparent culmination of the Ethiopian government’s ‘law enforcement operation’ in Tigray poses a number of new questions for the future of Africa’s second-most...

Somalia goes to polls: Reflecting determinants of past, present, future

elections despite the opposition's allegations that the government has mishandled the election process and violated the new election model formed following an agreement in...

Blunting Al-Shabaab’s Impact on Somalia’s Elections

The Al-Shabaab insurgency is in attack mode as elections draw near in Somalia. To stop the militants from disrupting the vote, federal and regional...

Abiy Ahmed’s aim to ‘Pentecostalize Ethiopian politics’ By René Lefort

Who is Abiy Ahmed, the man who has been Prime Minister of Ethiopia since 2018? In Addis Ababa, the question is often met with...

UAE’s ‘Great Game’ in Red Sea complicates regional balance

Through militias, UAE is pursuing ambitious strategic agenda in Red Sea, building military installations, controlling sea lanes Mohammed Alragawi   |24.12.2020 ISTANBUL Apart from building strategic ties...

From Bullets to Diplomacy: Securing Peace Between Somalia and Kenya

The current diplomatic crisis bedeviling the relationship between Somalia and Kenya is a paradox; it is both unstoppable and unsustainable! The diplomatic rift sadly comes...

Le Chef de l’Etat reçoit le Président du Somaliland

Le Chef de l’Etat, M. Ismail Omar Guelleh,  a reçu hier mercredi, en fin de matinée, au Palais de la République, le Président du...

Le sommet extraordinaire de l’IGAD clôture ses travaux sous le signe de la réussite et du succès

La République de Djibouti donne, une fois de plus, à travers le sommet crucial de l’IGAD qu’elle a abrité hier dimanche, la pleine mesure...

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Mohamed Abib is an elected parliamentary representative from the Awdal Region who is currently facing a challenging situation where his parliamentary immunity is...


In early 2023, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared Ethiopia's need for sovereign access to the Red Sea, a move that has sparked...


The dangers of appeasement as a policy have been seen throughout history, where world powers failed to stand up to aggressive nations, leading to...


The Ethio-Somali conflict has a long history that dates back to the 12th century, where the Somalis of Ifat and Adal Sultanates fought...